Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017. Vol. 62. No. 5. P. 11-20


DOI: 10.12737/article_59f2f1e5d45cc5.39553012

About Defining the Borders of Radioactive Contamination Zones as a Result of Large Radiation Accidents. Message I. Post-Accident Analysis of Chernobyl Zoning Experience

A.M. Skorobogatov1, M.G. Germenchuk2, A.V. Simonov1, O.M. Zhukova2, O.N. Apanasyuk1, Yu.N. Golikov2, T.A. Bulantseva1, L.Yu. Lupach1

1. Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; 2. Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Control of Radioactive Contamination and Environmental Monitoring, Minsk, Belarus

A.M. Skorobogatov– Research Worker; M.G. Germenchuk– PhD Tech., First Deputy Head, Expert of the IAEA; A.V. Simonov– PhD Psych., Head of Department; O.M. Zhukova– PhD Tech., Head of Department, Expert of the IAEA; O.N. Apanasyuk– Senior Researcher; Yu.N. Golikov – Head of Department; T.A. Bulantseva– Engineer; L.Yu. Lupach– Junior Researcher


Purpose: Retrospective analysis of the process of defining radioactive contamination zones formed after the Chernobyl accident.

Results: Summary of events related to liquidation of the Chernobyl NPP (ChNPP) accident consequences is given in the context of defining the radioactive contamination zones.

Experience of zoning of the territories exposed to radioactive contamination due to the Chernobyl NPP accident during 1986–2015 in Belarus and the Russian Federation has revealed the following:

  • Zones of radioactive contamination as a result of the ChNPP accident have been finally defined by the regulatory-legal acts only by 1991– in five years after the Chernobyl accident;
  • At present, the radioactive contamination zones legally correspond to the borders of settlements that were given a certain status of the radioactively contaminated territory.

This leads, in particular, to paradoxical “automatic” reduction of radioactive contamination zones due to abolition of settlements with no inhabitants. Absence of the established borders of radioactive contamination zones creates difficulties in substantiation of the measures related to radiation monitoring, rehabilitation of radioactively contaminated areas and their return to economic circulation.

Conclusions: Experience of eliminating of the Chernobyl NPP accident consequences shows that the absence of modern and scientifically justified procedures of defining the borders of radioactive contamination zones results not only in an inadequate assessment of the scales of consequences, but also does not allow effective differentiating the inventory and scale of necessary measures on population protection.

Key words: radiation accidents, radioactive contamination zones, radiation exposure dose, density of radioactive contamination, the Chernobyl accident, the analysis of the experience of zoning


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For citation: Skorobogatov AM, Germenchuk MG, Simonov AV, Zhukova OM, Apanasyuk ON, Golikov YuN, Bulantseva TA, Lupach LYu. About Defining the Borders of Radioactive Contamination Zones as a Result of Large Radiation Accidents. Message I. Post-Accident Analysis of Chernobyl Zoning Experience. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017;62(5):11-20. Russian. DOI: 10.12737/article_59f2f1e5d45cc5.39553012

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