Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016. Vol. 61. No. 6. P. 50-56


E.I. Matkevich1,2, V.E. Sinitsyn1, A.N. Bashkov3

Comparison of Radiation Dose of Patients During Single-Phase and Multiphase Computed Tomography in the Multidisciplinary Treatment Clinic

1. Federal Center of Treatment and Rehabilitation, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; 2. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow. Russia; 3. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA, Moscow, Russia


Purpose: Determine mean radiation dose of patients and comparison of frequency of CT-examinations and radiation dose of patients during single-phase and multiphase CT-examinations of the brain, chest, abdomen and pelvis and feasibility of low-dose CT-examinations.

Material and methods: Structure of single-phase and multiphase CT-examinations, were analyzed during 2012-2014 in a multiprofile hospital (450 beds). The mean effective dose in single-phase and multiphase CT-examinations were calculated, data were obtained from 1766 records of patients (age range 17-93) scanned with 4 MDCT systems for the years 2012-2014: brain (n = 369), chest (n = 661), abdomen-pelvis (n = 557), chest-abdomen-pelvis (n = 179). CT-examinations of good quality were selected, volumetric CT dose index (CTDI, mGy) and dose-length product (DLP, mGy×cm) were collected for each of them. The effective dose (mSv) was calculated using the normalized coefficients according to Guidelines [7].

Results: Most of single-phase CT is the examination of chest (27.9-33.1 %), as for multiphase CT it is the examinations of abdomen and pelvis (18.9-25.2%). The mean effective doses due to one multiphase CT according to anatomical areas were as follows: brain - 3.2-4.6 mSv, chest - 8.4-5.3 mSv, chest-abdomen-pelvis - 31.8-38.6 mSv. Reduction of radiation dose was presented in illustrated routine examples of low-dose CT, for single-phase CT of chest to 2.6-3.7 times, for multiphase CT of chest-abdomen-pelvis to 3.6-6.4 times.

Conclusion: Radiation doses of one multiphase CT increase in proportion to the number of phases. Dose levels for one phase at a multiphase CT are generally lower than radiation doses in similar single-phase CT. Using low-dose methods in single-phase CT and in the native phase of multiphase CT allows to reduce radiation dose to patients preserving the acceptable quality of CT-imaging.

Key words : computed tomography, multiphase computed tomography, patients, effective radiation dose of patients, low-dose CT-examinations, low doses, potential risk, risk assessment


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For citation: Matkevich FI, Sinitsyn VE, Bashkov A.N. Comparison of Radiation Dose of Patients During Single-phase and Multiphase Computed Tomography in the Multidisciplinary Treatment Clinic. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016;61(6):50-6. Russian.

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