Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016. Vol. 61. No. 3. P. 30-35

A.K. Guskova, V.I. Кrasnyuk, I.A. Galstyan, N.M. Nadejina

30 Years of Chernobyl NPP Accident: Experience of Mitigation of Medical Consequences

A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Thirty years is the time period allowing to estimate success of the held events for elimination of medical consequences of the accident on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. In the article the analysis of the next and remote consequences at affected three groups is carried out: direct participants (witnesses) of accident, clean-up workers in 30 km zone, inhabitants of the contaminated territories. From 134 survivors survivors in the period of the main clinical manifestations 28 people have died. The main reasons for death was local radiation injuries, infectious complications, a hemorrhagic syndrome. It is known of 26 patients deaths in the remote period after the acute radiation syndrome. From them 5 people have died of various oncohematological diseases that, undoubtedly, is stochastic effect of radiation. Other causes of death were usual, typical for the population of Russia in the relevant age groups. In the subsequent medical supervision over this group of persons has to be continued, especially for those in whom changes in critical bodies for radiation are found: in a thyroid gland, skin and bone marrow. Lifelong medical supervision is important for this group of victims. Comparison of frequency of death of clean-up workers from the accident with groups of the men living in the cities of Russia of the same age confirms absence of additional risk of deaths from the main nosological forms among liquidators. Medical supervision over the persons living in the contaminated territories hasn’t revealed any deviations in incidence and mortality in comparison with not irradiated population of Russia, except the increase in frequency of cancer of thyroid gland at the patients who have undergone radiative effects at children’s age.

Key words: Chernobyl NPP, radiation accident, acute radiation syndrome, clean-up workers, inhabitants of the contaminated territories


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For citation: Guskova A.K., Кrasnyuk V.I., Galstyan I.A., Nadejina N.M. 30 Years of Chernobyl NPP Accident: Experience of Mitigation of Medical Consequences. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016;61(3):30-5. Russian.

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