Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2015. Vol. 60. No. 3. P. 58-60


A.K. Guskova

The Health of People Working at Nuclear Energy Facilities over the
Last 20-25 Years and also Using Radiation Sources in Different Branches of National Economy. The Main Difficulties in Estimation of the Mentioned Cohort and the Reasons for Incorrect Data Interpretation

A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA, Moscow, Russia


The results of 20-25 years of observations on the state of health of large numbers of people will be evaluated. It will be estimated the real levels and effects of radiation also with more higher than normal doses. It is difficult to find adequate control group, but it is of interest to compare the health status of this group with other cohorts, working in enterprises generate energy in other ways. This is particularly important because these places are often used for employment of persons whose work with radiation sources to the accepted rules is prohibited. It remains unclear what extent the prognostic criteria for evaluation of the health status confirm pricing real changes after different periods from the beginning of radiation exposure. It is clear that the impact of the multiple non-radiation factors and aging of workers (from 20-22 to 45-50 years) is underestimated

Key words: norms of ionizing radiation, safe levels of radiation, personnel’s health, risk factors, sources of unfavorable influences, the prognosis of the consequences


  1. Torubarov F.S., Zvereva Z.F. Nevrologicheskie aspekty ostroi luchevoi bolezni cheloveka (klinicheskie nablyudeniya). Rukovodstvo dlya nevrologov, profpatologov, spetsialistov v oblasti eksperimental'noi meditsiny, prepodavatelei profil'nykh vuzov. In A.K. Gus'kovoi (ed.). Moscow: FGU FMBTs im. A.I. Burnazyana FMBA Rossii. 2009. 207 p. (In Russ.).

For citation: Guskova AK. The Health of People Working at Nuclear Energy Facilities over the Last 20-25 Years and also Using Radiation Sources in Different Branches of National Economy. The Main Difficulties in Estimation of the Mentioned Cohort and the Reasons for Incorrect Data Interpretation. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2015;60(3):50-60. Russian.

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