Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017. Vol. 62. No. 2. P. 28-34

DOI: 10.12737/article_58f0b95734e699.63790534

Pu-239 Incorporation and Lifetime Reduction in Mayak PA Workers with Tumor and Non-Tumor Related Death

V.I. Tel’nov, F.D. Tretyakov, P.V. Okatenko

FSUE Southern Urals Biophysics Institute of FMBA of Russia. Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk region, e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

V.I. Telnov - PhD in Medicine, Senior Researcher, Deputy Director on Scientific Work; F.D. Tretyakov - PhD in Medicine, Senior Researcher, Head of Department of Radiation Safety; P.V. Okatenko - Head of the Laboratory of Radiation Epidemiology Unit


Purpose: Assessment of the impact of Pu-239 incorporation on Mayak workers lifetime based on the analysis of mortality and age in death at tumor and non-tumor diseases taking into consideration the main and secondary radionuclide deposition organs.

Material and methods: The cohort of Mayak workers hired from 1948 to 1958 with known Pu-239 body burden was included into the analysis. The cohort comprised 3478 individuals including 2414 men (1739 deceased and 675 alive) and 1064 women (604 deceased and 460 alive). Depending on Pu-239 incorporation the lifetime as integral characteristic of the increased and premature mortality was assessed based on the analysis of the mortality and age of death in tumor and non-tumor pathology of the main and secondary deposition organs. Statistical analysis was performed using STATISTICA software.

Results: It was found that with the increase of Pu-239 incorporation in the organism of the deceased workers a decrease of lifetime occurred by 5.2 years in men and by 6.6 years in women, and after starting work - by 6.9 years in men and by 7.7 years in women. In the whole cohort the decrease of lifetime was less expressed - by 4.2 years in men and by 2.7 years in women, and after starting work - by 6.2 and by 3.0 years correspondingly. We found the increase of levels of mortality from tumors in males, mainly from malignant neoplasms of the lung and liver, which are organs of Pu-239 main deposition. For the first time the associated with Pu-239 incorporation decrease of age at death (premature mortality) was found in case of tumor and non-tumor pathology of main and secondary deposition organs both for males and females. At that, unlike increased mortality, premature mortality was registered at all studied causes of death as a significant shift or tendency.

Conclusion: The conclusion was made that increased and premature mortality are two relatively different processes leading to the reduction of lifetime of professional workers exposed to the incorporation of Pu-239.

Key words: cohort of Mayak PA workers, Pu-239, organs of main and non-main deposition, tumor and non-tumor causes of death, age at death, employment age, lifetime


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For citation: Telnov VI, Tretyakov FD, Okatenko PV. Pu-239 Incorporation and Lifetime Reduction in Mayak PA Workers with Tumor and Non-Tumor Related Death. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017;62(2):28-34. Russian. DOI: 10.12737/article_58f0b95734e699.63790534

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