Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017. Vol. 62. No. 3. P. 5-12

DOI: 10.12737/article_5926b628c107c6.46098964

Therapy of Experimental Neurosis in Rabbits by Using the Electromagnetic Field
in Comparison with Electrical and Chemical Nature

S.N. Lukyanova, V.V. Uiba

State Research Center – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

S.N. Lukyanova – Chief Scientific Researcher, Dr. Sc. Biol., Prof.;
V.V. Uiba – Head of Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia, Dr. Sc. Med., Prof.


Purpose: The comparison of data on the impact of different (estimate arresting) factors and related techniques on the condition of experimental neurosis in rabbits.

Neuroticism is based on a strong emotional reaction such as fear which provokes the development of experimental neurosis. As a result, disappearance of motor responses to an arbitrary signal was observed that accompanied by the randomness of frequency amplitude characteristics of brain, muscles and breathing potentials.

Material and methods: Experiments were performed on rabbits in the experimental neurosis. Methods of its arresting were based on literature data about: reciprocal relations of the hippocampus and the midbrain reticular formation; the ratio of alpha and theta rhythms of EEG ranges; about antistress effect of weak EMF, reduction of emotional tension using chlorpromazine.

Accordingly, the techniques were: an electric stimulation of the transcranial direct current stimulation of the midbrain reticular formation (NRT); non thermal EMF irradiation intensity in the modulation mode within the range of alpha EEG rhythms; EMF irradiation in the continuous mode in the presence of a metal electrode “antennas”, implantanted in NRT; intramuscular administration of chlorpromazine.

Results: Each of the techniques (after 10 days) led in rabbits in the condition of experimental neurosis to reliable positive changes in bioelectric activity of brain, breathing, myogram. The degree of these changes was different. In all cases they were not stable and conditioned motor responses did not reach normal values. A minimal and similar result was obtained in series with chlorpromazine and the electric stimulation of the transcranial direct current stimulation of NRT. The most pronounced positive effect was observed as a result of the EMF irradiation, sweep frequency mode in alpha EEG range. This technique deserves more attention because it is non invasive and practically has no contra indications. It is important to note that only in this series a positive tendency of recovery of motor conditioned responses that remained after 2 weeks after irradiation took place.

Conclusion: In the situation described above (model and exposure conditions) we can only speak about the tendency towards normalization. The results show the possibility of reliable reduction of neurotic manifestations of individual indicators experimental neurosis (a tendency towards normalization) in rabbits. In this case, there is a strong emotional reaction such as fear. It should be noted that the most effective variant of arresting impact is an EMF irradiation in the mode modulated in the alpha range of EEG. Positive results in each of the series can be seen as the accumulation of experimental data on the difficult problem of pathology and therapy status of neurosis.

Key words: experimental neurosis, rabbits, indicators of violations, brain, bioelectrical activity, elektromyogram, breathing, factors and techniques for arresting


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For citation: Lukyanova SN, Uiba VV. Experimental Therapy of Neurosis in Rabbits by Using of Electromagnetic Field in Comparison with Electrical and Chemical Nature. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017;62(3):5-12. Russian. DOI: 10.12737/article_5926b628c107c6.46098964

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