Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017. Vol. 62. No. 3. P. 17-25

DOI: 10.12737/article_5926ba3abab313.72306829

Prevalence, Structure and Features of Allergy and Immunopathology of the Personnel of Radioactive Waste Storage Facility Utilizing Radioactive Waste

S.V. Tsarev1, N.I. Ilyina1, L.V. Luss1, S.M. Shvets1, V.L. Prisiazhniuk1, M.F. Nikonova1, S.V. Klimova1, S.M. Kiselev2, O.E. Kim3

1. Institute of Immunology of Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia, e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. ; 2. State Research Center - Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia; 3. Medical Health Unit number 100 Fokino, Primorsky region, Russia

S.V. Tsarev - Leading Researcher, Dr. Sc. Med.; N.I. Ilyina - Deputy Director, Dr. Sc. Med., Prof.; L.V. Luss - Chief of Scientific Advisory, Dr. Sc. Med., Prof.; S.M. Shvets - Senior Researcher, PhD Med.; V.L. Prisiazhniuk - Allergist-immunologist, PhD Med.; M.F. Nikonova - Senior Researcher, PhD Biol.; S.V. Klimova - Senior Researcher, PhD Biol.; S.M. Kiselev - Head of Lab., PhD Biol.; O.E. Kim - Head of Medical Health Unit number 100


Purpose: To assess the health status, clinical, immunological, and allergological indicators of “DalRAO” Center for Radioactive Waste Management personnel.

Material and methods: The study used clinical, laboratory, allergological, immunological, and statistical research methods including screening questionnaires, skin prick tests, serum IgE tests, and assays of cell-mediated and humoral immunity.

The study examined 102 “DalRAO” employees divided into two groups. Group 1 with 56 participants included employees with the accumulated workplace-related dose of ionizing radiation between 11 and 45 mSv 26 employees of them (subgroup 1A) had been served aboard nuclear submarines prior to “DalRAO”. Group 2 with 46 participants, had not been exposed to induced ionizing radiation in the workplace.

Results: The average immune system parameters of “DalRAO” employees were found to be within the normal ranges. Ten participants displayed abnormalities in the cell-mediated immunity, including 6 people from Group 1 and 4 people from Group 2. Four participants, 2 from each group, displayed irregularities in the production of IgA, IgM, IgG, and not IgE. At the same time, the clinical manifestations of immunodeficiency were identified only in one patient. Specific allergological examination by skin tests with atopic allergens yielded positive in 24 (23.5 %) participants. Among these 24 people, clinical symptoms of allergic diseases were absent in 9 patients (latent sensibilization). In addition, 3 people displayed drug intolerance, while 5 had dermatitis or urticaria. In most patients, allergic diseases were identified for the first time.

The average values of the immune system have proved to be employees within the normal range.

Conclusion: Clinical and laboratory signs of dysfunction of the immune system were identified in one third of all the participants, with the allergic diseases as the most common manifestation of the dysfunction. As the clinical course of the identified diseases was mild and poorly defined, the conditions tended to be undiagnosed.

Key words: personnel, occupational exposure, allergic diseases, immune status, health state, radioactive waste


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Для цитирования: Tsarev SV, Ilyina NI, Luss LV, Shvets SM, Prisiazhniuk VL, Nikonova MF, Klimova SV, Kiselev SM, Kim OE. Prevalence, Structure and Features of Allergy and Immunopathology of the Personnel of Radioactive Waste Storage Facility Utilizing Radioactive Waste // Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017;62(3):17-25. Russian. DOI: 10.12737/article_5926ba3abab313.72306829

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