Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2013. Vol. 58. No. 6. P. 30-35


V.Yu. Soloviev, A.E. Baranov, T.M. Khamidulin, N.V. Zinovieva

Human Acute Radiation Injuries Database. Report 3. Forecasting Specifics of Postradiation Peripheral Blood Granulocyte Concentration Dynamics of Bone Marrow Syndrome, Complicated by Radiation Burns and also of Nonuniform Body Irradiation

Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.


Purpose: Study of the postradiation peripheral blood neutrophils concentration dynamics of bone marrow syndrome complicated by the radiation burns of the skin and nonuniform body irradiation.

Material and methods: The object of research is information obtained from laboratory analyzes of the peripheral blood granulocyte concentration of 128 victims of the Chernobyl accident of 1986 (of which 54 had significant radiation skin burns), contained in Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center human acute radiation injuries database.

Results: Human postradiation peripheral blood neutrophils concentration dynamics profile, dependent on the dose of external relatively uniform gamma rays irradiation has been constructed. It was shown, in particular, that the development of agranulocytosis (<0.5×109 cl/l) occurs at doses greater than 1.2 Gy and is more pronounced (<0.1×109 cl/l) at doses greater than 2.0 Gy. Agranulocytosis period duration dose–dependence is weak in the dose range of 2 to 6 Gy and is on average 10–13 days for patients with radiation skin burns and 12–15 days for patients without them and has some trend toward an increase with increasing dose in both groups. It was shown on a hypothetical example that the use of local shielding of the human body (mainly in the sacrum and pelvis area) as physical protection in sublethal dose range can substantially reduce radiation injuries and lead to a “softer” acute period of bone marrow syndrome including complete elimination of the agranulocytosis period.

Key words: ionizing radiation, acute radiation sickness, peripherical blood, data base