The Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety journal ISSN 1024-6177 was founded in January 1956 (before December 30, 1993 it was entitled Medical Radiology, ISSN 0025-8334). In 2018, the journal received Online ISSN: 2618-9615 and was registered as an electronic online publication in Roskomnadzor on March 29, 2018. It publishes original research articles which cover questions of radiobiology, radiation medicine, radiation safety, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine and scientific reviews. In general the journal has more than 30 headings and it is of interest for specialists working in thefields of medicine¸ radiation biology, epidemiology, medical physics and technology. Since July 01, 2008 the journal has been published by State Research Center - Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency. The founder from 1956 to the present time is the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and from 2008 to the present time is the Federal Medical Biological Agency.

Members of the editorial board are scientists specializing in the field of radiation biology and medicine, radiation protection, radiation epidemiology, radiation oncology, radiation diagnostics and therapy, nuclear medicine and medical physics. The editorial board consists of academicians (members of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS)), the full member of Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, corresponding members of the RAS, Doctors of Medicine, professor, candidates and doctors of biological, physical mathematics and engineering sciences. The editorial board is constantly replenished by experts who work in the CIS and foreign countries.

Six issues of the journal are published per year, the volume is 13.5 conventional printed sheets, 88 printer’s sheets, 1.000 copies. The journal has an identical full-text electronic version, which, simultaneously with the printed version and color drawings, is posted on the sites of the Scientific Electronic Library (SEL) and the journal's website. The journal is distributed through the Rospechat Agency under the contract № 7407 of June 16, 2006, through individual buyers and commercial structures. The publication of articles is free.

The journal is included in the List of Russian Reviewed Scientific Journals of the Higher Attestation Commission. Since 2008 the journal has been available on the Internet and indexed in the RISC database which is placed on Web of Science. Since February 2nd, 2018, the journal "Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety" has been indexed in the SCOPUS abstract and citation database.

Brief electronic versions of the Journal have been publicly available since 2005 on the website of the Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety Journal: Since 2011, all issues of the journal as a whole are publicly available, and since 2016 - full-text versions of scientific articles. Since 2005, subscribers can purchase full versions of other articles of any issue only through the National Electronic Library. The editor of the Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety Journal in accordance with the National Electronic Library agreement has been providing the Library with all its production since 2005 until now.

The main working language of the journal is Russian, an additional language is English, which is used to write titles of articles, information about authors, annotations, key words, a list of literature.

Since 2017 the journal Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety has switched to digital identification of publications, assigning to each article the identifier of the digital object (DOI), which greatly accelerated the search for the location of the article on the Internet. In future it is planned to publish the English-language version of the journal Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety for its development. In order to obtain information about the publication activity of the journal in March 2015, a counter of readers' references to the materials posted on the site from 2005 to the present which is placed on the journal's website. During 2015 - 2016 years on average there were no more than 100-170 handlings per day. Publication of a number of articles, as well as electronic versions of profile monographs and collections in the public domain, dramatically increased the number of handlings to the journal's website to 500 - 800 per day, and the total number of visits to the site at the end of 2017 was more than 230.000.

The two-year impact factor of RISC, according to data for 2017, was 0.439, taking into account citation from all sources - 0.570, and the five-year impact factor of RISC - 0.352.

Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017. Vol. 62. No. 4. P. 66-78


DOI: 10.12737/article_59b10b5ea417a6.00174966

The Drugs and Natural Antioxidants as the Components of Anti-Radiation Countermeasures During Space Flights

I.B. Ushakov1, M.V. Vasin2

1. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; 2. Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of the Ministry of Health Care of the Russian Federation, Moscow

I.B. Ushakov – Chief Scientific Researcher, Member of RAS, Dr. Sc. Med., Prof., M.V. Vasin – Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Dr. Sc. Med., Prof.


Radiation situation for cosmonauts over long-term space flights is caused by low-rate radiation of galactic cosmic rays and solar cosmic rays consisting of high-energy proton as well as heavy particles (Z>10) within 1–2 % that is exclusively a threat of stochastic radiation effects (small increase of cancer risk and decrease of mean life span) for men. During interplanetary expedition periods the small probability of raised solar activity occurring approximately every 11 years there is a threat of exposure to astronauts at doses that cause deterministic radiation effects leading to the development of the disease as a clinical manifestation of radiation injuries. In a similar scenario it is necessary to have available to spaceship anti-radiation countermeasures for astronaut protection. Among personal radioprotective equipment can be provided with radiation protective agents and partial shielding of body separate section providing the best condition for post-radiation repair of radiosensitive body tissues. Preparation B-190 (indralin) is the most perspective from a small number of other radioprotectors permitting for men administration. Besides high radioprotective efficacy and large broadness of radioprotective action B-190 is well tolerated including the impact of extreme flight factors. Antiemetic agent latran (ondansetron) is most interesting among preparation for prophylaxis and reduction of prodromal radiation reaction. To accelerate post-radiation hematopoietic recovery after raised solar activity an administration of radiomitigators (riboxin et al.) is substantiated. Neupomax (neupogen) is recommended as a preparation for pathogenesis therapy of acute radiation syndrome. Possible consequences of long-term space voyages for oxidative stress development are taken into consideration. On their basis of natural antioxidants, preparations and nutrients as radiomodulators, fully qualitative nutrition including vegetable food enriched flavonoids, vitamins C, E and carotene potentially prevent a shorten of cosmonaut biological age induced by solar cosmic rays and galactic cosmic rays and stress factors of long-term cosmic voyages. Radiomodulators are low and non-toxic and have not side effects in recommended doses. Their radioprotective effect is directly induced by adaption reaction on cellular and organismic levels through gene expression modulation and in that way the increase of non-specific body tolerance. The implementation of radiomodulator action is possible through hormesis mechanism.

Key words: space radiation, manned space flights, radiation protective agents, indralin, latran (ondansetron), neupomax (filgrastim), natural antioxidants


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For citation: Ushakov IB, Vasin MV. The Drugs and Natural Antioxidants as the Components of Anti-radiation Countermeasures during Spase Flightss. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017;62(4):66-78. Russian. DOI: 10.12737/article_59b10b5ea417a6.00174966

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