Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017. Vol. 62. No. 1. P. 38-43
DOI: 10.12737/25052
Occupational Incidence of Employees of Enterprises State Corporation «Rosatom»
V.V. Uiba1, A.V. Gurev2, A.R. Tukov2, A.Yu. Bushmanov2, M.Yu. Kalinina2, A.I. Antonenkov2, S.A. Afonin3, A.S. Nemkov4 , N.V. Kapitonova2
1. FMBA of Russia, Moscow, Russia; 2. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; 3. Concern «Rosenergoatom», Moscow, Russia; 4. Clinical hospital 50 FMBA of Russia, Moscow, Russia
V.V. Uiba - Head of Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia, MD, Prof.; A.V. Gurev - senior researcher; A.R. Tukov - head of Lab, PhD in Medical Sciences; A. Yu. Bushmanov - First Deputy General Director, MD, Prof.; M.Yu. Kalinina - Head of the Department of social services policy of State Corporation “Rosatom”, PhD. med. Sciences; A.I. Antonenkov - research engineer; S.A. Afonin - medical representative of Concern «Rosenergoatom»; A.S. Nemkov - Federal State Healthcare Institution Clinical hospital 50 FMBA of Russia; N.V. Kapitonova - senior Researcher
Purpose: To analyze the incidence of occupational diseases of employees of factories and organizations in State Corporation «Rosatom».
Material and methods: The study was conducted with the use of primary documents, containing information about the diseases and working conditions in the workplace. The calculation of this indicator is based on the standard and original software.
Results: In 2014 leading position among professional pathologies adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder (26.1 %), a number enthesopathies (13.4 %), lateral and medial epicondylitis (4.2 % and 0.8 % respectively) occupy. Pathologies associated with decrease in hearing (9.2 %). Cancers of the respiratory system, as well as malignant neoplasms unspecified localization (5.9 %). In the structure of occupational diseases employees from 50 to 59 years (36.9 %) is dominated; the lowest level of occupational diseases in the group under 39 years (5.9 %). 68.9 % of employees, registered in 2014, were over the age of 50. For the 2010-2014 long-term dynamics of occupational diseases shows its growth from 1.6 cases per 10,000 employees (2010) to 4.5 cases per 10,000 employees (2014). The negative long-term dynamics (2010-2014) observed for occupational diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (from 0.1 to 2.57 cases per 10,000 employees), vibration disease (from 0.7 to 0.9 cases per 10,000 employees), malignant neoplasms (from 0.2 to 4.2 cases per 100,000 employees).
Conclusion: During 2010-2014 there was an increase of the incidence, mainly due to professional pathology of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, cases of vibration disease and malignant neoplasms. The highest morbidity rate of professional diseases was observed in workers of Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union. Analysis of the data showed that the greatest number of diseases was revealed at persons in the age range 50-59 years old.
Key words: occupational diseases, industry register, risk factors, the structure of occupational diseases
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For citation: Uiba VV, Gurev AV, Tukov AR, Bushmanov AYu, Kalinina MYu, Antonenkov AI, Afonin SA, Nemkov AS, Kapitonova NV. Occupational Incidence of Employees of Enterprises State Corporation "Rosatom". Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017;62(2):38-43. Russian. DOI: 10.12737/25052