Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017. Vol. 62. No. 6. P. 12-20
DOI: 10.12737/article_5a251dd2e01c02.38141187
Plutonium-239 Dioxide in the Lung. Report 2: Pathology of the Lungs of Rats Induced by Intratracheal Injection of Plutonium-239 Dioxide
E.S. Zhorova, I.K. Belyaev, V.S. Kalistratova, I.M. Parfenova, G.S. Tischenko, V.P. Saprykin, A.S. Samoylov
A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Byophisical Center, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
E.S. Zhorova – Leading Researcher, PhD Biol.; I.K. Belyaev – Head of Lab., PhD Biol.; V.S. Kalistratova – Leading Researcher, Dr. Sc. Med.; I.M. Parfenova – Research Fellow; G.S. ѩschenko – Researcher Fellow; V.P. Saprykin – Head of Lab., Dr. Sc. Med., Prof.; A.S. Samoylov – Director General of FMBC, Dr. Sc. Med.
Purpose: The study of lung pathology induced by intratracheal injection of plutonium-239 dioxide and obtaining actual data on the dose-dependent profile of the remote consequences.
Material and methods: The plutonium dioxide was introduced into nonlinear white male rats once intratracheally in the amount of 100 kBq/kg body weight. Experimental animals were observed during their whole life. Radiometric, histoautoradiographical, histological and statistical research methods were used. Indicators of lung pathology were inflammatory, sclerotic, precancerous and neoplastic changes in the lungs.
Results: The calculation of absorbed doses in the lungs showed their variety from 1 to 400 Gy. The paper presents a quantitative analysis of remote lung pathology according to the groups with average absorbed doses from 7 to 306 Gy. The introduction of 239PuO2 significantly increased the frequency of sclerotic changes of the lungs compared with intact rats (11 and 46 %, respectively). Tumors were found in the lungs of 20 % of intact rats and of 51 % of the rats that received 239PuO2. Malignant neoplasm of epithelial origin prevailed. They were formed in 9 % of the biological control rats and in 41 % of the rats, carriers of 239PuO2. The dependence of the frequency of pathological changes in the lungs from absorbed dose in the organ was revealed.
Conclusion: A single intratracheal introduction of 239PuO2 has increased the frequency of pathological changes in the lungs of rats compared with intact animals. With the increase of the absorbed dose in the lungs the number of rats with pneumosclerosis, tumors of epithelial origin and multiple tumors has grown. Most indicative are adenocarcinoma and squamous-cell carcinomas. With the increasing of absorbed dose not only the frequency, but a spectrum of tumors varies. Dose response – probability of effect for each type of non-neoplastic and neoplastic pathology has its own character. For tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue, localized in the lungs, the opposite from tumors of epithelial origin, dependence of the frequency of their formation from the absorbed dose has been revealed.
Key words: the plutonium dioxide, intratracheal injection, rats, absorbed doses, pathology of the lungs
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For citation: Zhorova ES, Belyaev IK, Kalistratova VS, Parfenova IM, Tischenko GS, Saprykin VP, Samoylov AS. Plutonium-239 Dioxide in the Lung. Report 2: Pathology of the Lungs of Rats Induced by Intratracheal Injection of Plutonium-239 Dioxide. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2017;62(6):12-20. Russian. DOI: 10.12737/article_5a251dd2e01c02.38141187