Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016. Vol. 61. No. 6. P. 68-71


V.I. Chernov1,2, I.G. Sinilkin1,2, R.V. Zelchan1,2, A.A. Medvedeva1,2, A.Yu. Lyapunov1, O.D. Bragina1,2, N.V. Varlamova2, V.S. Skuridin2

Experimental Study of the Possibility of Using a New Radiopharmaceutical 99mТс-Al2O3 for Imaging Sentinel Lymph Nodes

1. Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Tomsk, Russia, e-mail: tickayaaa@oncology.tomsk.ruThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; 2. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia


Purpose: A comparative study of the possibility of using the radiopharmaceutical 99mТс-Al2O3 and 99mTc-Nanocis for visualizing sentinel lymph nodes in the experiment.

Material and methods: The pharmacokinetics of radiopharmaceuticals 99mТс-Al2O3 and 99mTc -Nanocis studied on white rats. After 1, 2, 3, 5, and 24 hours after subcutaneous injections of radiopharmaceuticals in I (interdigital) web space of right hind limb of the activity of 30 MBq animals were decapitated, harvested organs subjected to radiometric examination, which is performed on the radiometer RIS-A1 Dosekalibrator. The possibility of using 99mТс-Al2O3 and 99mTc -Nanocis for sentinel lymph nodes visualization was performed on the CAM-E-180 (Siemens) gamma camera. In 1, 2, 3 and 24 hours after subcutaneous injections of drugs between the first and second fingers hind paw at activity 18-20 MBq scintigraphy was performed for anesthetized animals. According to the results of scintigraphic studies % accumulation of the drug in the inguinal lymph node was determined relative to the injection site.

Results: Radiometry of organs in rats showed that 99mТс-Al2O3 and 99mTc -Nanocis actively leave the injection site after subcutaneous injection. After 24 hours in the subcutaneous depot remained about half of the radiopharmaceutical activity. After 1 hour after administration of the average accumulation of 99mТс-Al2O3 in the inguinal lymph node was 8.6 %, the accumulation of 99mTc -Nanocis was significantly lower - 1,8 % (p < 0.05). The second hour of the study the average accumulation of 99mТс-Al2O3 exceeded 10 % and in a day gradually increased to 12.8 % in the lymph node. Accumulation of 99mTc -Nanocis after 2 hours reached 3.6 % and slightly fluctuated at this level up to 24 hours of the observation. Received through the thoracic duct into the blood radioactive tracers very actively accumulated in liver and spleen. Radiopharmaceuticals slightly accumulated in the heart, lungs and blood, which absorbed less than 1 % of the administered radioactivity.

Conclusions: Thus, the experimental study of a new domestic radiopharmaceutical 99mТс-Al2O3 showed that the nanocolloid several times more actively accumulates in the lymph nodes as compared to the imported analogue and its practical application will facilitate intraoperative identification of sentinel lymph nodes.

Key words: sentinel lymph nodes, radiopharmaceutical, tumor, colloid, 99mТс


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For citation: Chernov VI, Sinilkin IG, Zelchan RV, Medvedeva AA, Lyapunov AYu, Bragina OD, Varlamova NV, Skuridin VS. Experimental Study of the Possibility of Using a New Radiopharmaceutical 99mТс-Al2O3 for Imaging Sentinel Lymph Nodes. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016;61(6):68-71. Russian.

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