Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016. Vol. 61. No. 4. P. 29-34
N.A. Metlyaeva, A.Yu. Bushmanov, V.I. Krasnuk, E.Eu. Zapadinskaya, O.V. Scherbatich, M.V. Bolotnov
Features of Psychophysiological Adaptation of Military Personnel and Personnel of ChNPP, Participated in the Liquidation of the ChNPP Accident in 1986-1987
A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose: An evaluation of the efficiency of psychophysiological adaptation of military personnel and personnel of ChNPP, participated in liquidation of consequences of the ChNPP accident in 1986-1987 years.
Material and methods: The study involved 3 groups of participants of the liquidation of the consequences of ChNPP accident, in total - 10 people. The 1st group consisted of military personnel, colonels, 4 people, including 4 military chemical engineers. The 2nd group wasrepresented by two helicopter pilots and one test engineer of aircraft. The 3rd group was the ChNPP personnel, who worked from may 1986, in preparation for commissioning and operation of ChNPP units 1,2,3, in the face of a nuclear-physicist, chief engineer of ChNPP and the shift supervisor of the electrical shop № 1-2 unit of ChNPP. The dose of external gamma-beta radiation in the 1st group was registered in the range of 90-376 mSv, the 2nd - up to 250 mSv, the 3rd - 560-250 mSv.
Results: The rise of the profile parameters of MMPI above 80 T-points were detected in persons of the 1st group on the scale 1Hs-95,38 T-points of the neurotic triad and testified to the strain of mental adaptation, due to concerns about the health, hypochondriac tendencies. The rise of parameters on a scale of 2D-68,80 and 3Hy-72,4; T-points indicated the voltage of psychophysiological adaptation, due to anxiety-demonstrative behavior. The level of the profile of MMPI in persons of the 2nd group indicated the over voltage of mental adaptation, marked by the rise of parameters of higher than 80 T-points as neurotic (1Hs-94,50; 2D-77,60; 3Hy-80,83 T-points), and psychotic triad (6Pa-75,80; 7Pt-68,30; 8Sch-81,26 T-points) with a relative decrease of parameters of the scale 9Ma-61,16 T-points, that indicated the hypochondriac, demonstrative and anxious-depressive tendencies. The profile of MMPI in persons of the 3rd group does not extend beyond the limits of professional and population norms and indicates on the efficient physiological adaptation in this group.
Conclusions: Evaluation of psychophysiological adaptation of military personnel and personnel of ChNPP indicates the over voltage of mental adaptation of military personnel (colonels, helicopter pilots) and effective adaptation of the staff (engineers), combined the basic work in station with participation in liquidation of consequences of the ChNPP accident.
Key words: Chernobyl NPP accident, liquidators, psychophysiological adaptation, motivation, social adaptation, labor success, hypertensive disease, ischemic heart disease
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For citation: Metlyaeva NA, Bushmanov AYu, Krasnuk VI, Zapadinskaya EEu, Scherbatich OV, Bolotnov MV. Features of Psychophysiological Adaptation of Military Personnel and Personnel of ChNPP, Participated in the Liquidation of the ChNPP Accident in 1986-1987. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016;61(4):29-34. Russian.