Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016. Vol. 61. No. 3. P. 52-61

V.P. Kryuchkov, L.A. Illyin, O.A. Kochetkov, A.G. Tsovyanov

Official and Real Doses of Participants of Elimination of Consequences of the Accident at the Chernobyl NPP

A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose: Identification and justification of the discrepancy between “official” individual doses and real doses of Chernobyl liquidators, by analyzing individual doses to the red bone marrow reconstructed by RADRUE method.

Material and methods: The study was carried out by analysis of the data for the dose to the red bone marrow, reconstructed by RADRUE and information from questionnaires of liquidators whose doses were reconstructed by this method. Dose distributions of military liquidators and professionals in the nuclear industry were compared.

Results: The artifact character of the distribution for military liquidators was shown. RADRUE method demonstrated its applicability on two samples of doses of the liquidators with high confidence in their reliability: patients of 6th clinical hospital and personnel of US-605, lived in Obninsk after liquidation of consequences of the accident at Chernobyl NPP. Reconstructed doses were close to those predicted in 1995 by L.A. Il’in et al. On average, they were lower than the values of the “official” doses, but the percentage of exceedance of emergency limit of the dose (250 mGy in 1986) was higher than for the “official” doses through wider distribution of doses measured by RADRUE.

Conclusion: The results of the comparison of official doses and doses, reconstructed by RADRUE method show the fallibility of the “official” doses contained in the National Medical and Dosimetric Registry. Revision of epidemiological assessments made on the basis of dosimetric data contained these registers is needed. RADRUE method showed its applicability in the retrospective assessment of doses of liquidators and in the verification of the “official” doses, and has been in use in the international epidemiological studies already for 16 years.

Key words: RADRUE method, liquidators, dosimetry, external irradiation, the accident at the Chernobyl NPP


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For citation: Kryuchkov VP, Illyin LA, Kochetkov OA, Tsovyanov AG. Official and Real Doses of Participants of Elimination of Consequences of the Accident at the Chernobyl NPP. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016;61(3):52-61. Russian.

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