Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016. Vol. 61. No. 2. P. 20-24
A.N. Grebenyuk1,2, N.I. Zargarova1, A.Y. Kondakov1, V.I. Legeza1
Modeling of the Combined Radiation Injury Caused by the Total Whole Body Gamma-Irradiation and Local X-Ray Burn of Skin in Experiments on Rats
1. S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg; 2. Special and Medical Equipment, St. Petersburg, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose: Modeling of the combined radiation injury caused by the total whole body γ-irradiation and deep local radiation burn from X-ray irradiation in experiment on rats.
Material and methods: 180 males of white inbred rats weighing 180-200 g were used for modeling of the combined radiation injury. The total whole body irradiation carried out by γ-radiation source of 137Cs, animal irradiated in doses 5.0; 6.0; 6.5 and 6.75 Gy at the dose power 1.37 Gy/min. The roentgen-therapeutic device RUM-17 was used for modeling of deep local radiation burns at a tension on a X-ray tube of 250 kVp, anode current 15 mA, skin focal length 25 cm, without filters, at the power of dose 3.3 Gy/min. The X-ray burn of 10 % of the surface of the body was applied on the area of the animal’s back. Physical protection of the subject bodies and fabrics against X-ray irradiation was carried out by the lead plate entered under the irradiated site of the skin at the a back of a laboratory animal, and protection of a body against γ-irradiation was carried out by the lead screen.
Results: It is established that the total whole body γ-irradiation of rats varies in the range of doses from 5.0 to 6.75 Gy is followed by death of 10-60 % of animals from acute radiation syndrome. X-ray irradiation of skin of a back in a dose 60 Gy on the area of 10 % of a surface of a body promotes the increase in a lethality of total irradiated rats on average for 40 %. The total γ-irradiation, in turn, was considerable (by 1.5-1.7 times) increased the period of healing of local radiation burn at rats.
On the basis of the obtained data the experimental model of the combined radiation injury, including the total whole body γ-irradiation of rats in a dose of 5 Gy with the local X-ray irradiation of skin of a back on the area of 10 % of a surface of a body in a dose of 60 Gy was offered. The use of the specified model allows to reproduce both clinic of acute radiation syndrome and dynamics of destructive and reparative processes in skin with deep local radiation burn; thus manifestations of a phenomenon of mutual burdening, typical for the combined injures, are observed.
Conclusion: The obtained data allows to recommend the developed model for screening of means of conservative treatment of the combined radiation injury.
Key words: experimental modeling, combined radiation injury, γ-irradiation, X-ray, burn of skin, mutual burdening, rats
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For citation: Grebenyuk AN, Zargarova NI, Kondakov AY, Legeza VI. Modeling of the Combined Radiation Injury Caused by the Total Whole Body Gamma-Irradiation and Local X-Ray Burn of Skin in Experiments on Rats. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016;61(2):20-4. Russian.