Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016. Vol. 61. No. 1. P. 22-28
A.L. Polyudin
Forms of Technogenic Uranium in the Soil of the Shore of the Lake Cinara, Kaslinsky District, Chelyabinsk Region
E.I. Zababakhin Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics, Snezhinsk, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose: To study the modes of occurrence, accumulation, distribution of uranium in the soil of the area of influence of Russian Federal Nuclear Center, to study the features, determining the peculiarities of the soil as the main storage medium.
Material and methods: Soil profiles were laid according to the elementary geochemical landscapes. In the samples consecutively selective recovery of physical and chemical forms of uranium and the subsequent analysis by spectrophotometry with the usage of tributyl phosphate and arsenazo III were carried out. Also soil acidity, redox potential, particle size distribution, soil density, the density of the solid phase of the soil were determined and filtration coefficient in the soil was calculated as well.
Results: Actual acidity is in the range from 5.5 to 7.4. Redox is in the range from 273 to 348 mV. The indicator shows the intensity of the processes (rH2), and characterizes the soil as an environment, periodically reducing atmosphere. Under these conditions uranium, has a strong migratory ability. And the elements that affect the ability of soils to capture the element (iron and manganese) are in transitional oxidation. The soils that were studied have an easy size distribution and bad detained pollutants, the predominant fraction of the soils is a fine sand (0.25-0.05 mm). Filtration coefficient can be assessed as a high one for the soil of the eluvial and transeluvial position and extremely high for the soil of the superaqual position. The uranium content was 20 mg/kg in the soil of the transeluvial position, its characterizing anthropogenic component in the soils of the transeluvial position came to 93 %. Uranium was concentrated mainly in the soils of the transeluvial position and tied to water-soluble carbonates and clay minerals. In the soils of the eluvial and superaqual position uranium is in a stable and minimal migration of the acid (tied to sesquioxide), and also in the remaining forms. Potentially movable mold of the total content of uranium is in the range of 25 to 89 %. The maximum content is observed at the depth of 20-25 cm in the form predominantly connected to the sesquioxide and mineral components of the soil. Potentially mobile forms in the structure of the extraction criterion is the content of the peak at the depth of 8-12 cm, owning to the forms of uranium tied to the water-soluble carbonates and clay minerals.
Key words: long-lived radionuclides, uranium, forms of occurrence, soil Emissions
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For citation: Polyudin AL. Forms of Technogenic Uranium in the Soil of the Shore of the Lake Cinara, Kaslinsky District, Chelyabinsk Region. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016;61(1):22-8. Russian.