Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2013. Vol. 58. No. 1. P. 71–77
N.I. Rozhkova, T.V. Sherstneva, O.N. Avilov, M.A. Shershneva, O.B. Tararuchina
Extraabdominal Fibromatosis of Desmoid Breast Tumor
Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Federal Mammological Center. Moscow, Russia. e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fibromatosis or desmoid breast tumor is a rare tumor, which has both characteristics of a benign and a malignant tumor. During clinical, instrumental and laboratory tests features of both malignant and benign tumor have been established. The article is a report of two desmoid breast tumor cases, observed in our clinic, and presents the pattern of the diagnostics, based on clinical experience.
Key words: extraabdominal fibromatosis, malignant tumor, fibrosarcoma