Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2012. Vol. 57. No. 6. P. 43-50
N.A. Metlyaeva
Socially-psychophysiological Adaptation of the Patient, who has Suffered at Failure the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station, Transferred Acute Radiation Sickness of IV Heaviest Degree and Local Radiation Injuries I-IV of Severity Level
Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose: To estimate the psychology-physiological features of the social and psychology-physiological adaptation in the patient survived very severe acute radiation sickness, resulted from Chernobyl Accident (24 years of supervision) on the base his personal data by periods and stages of his mental adaptation.
Material and methods: Т.А.М., worked as the engineer-driver inspector at Chernobyl NPP; secondary technical education. In April, 1986, at the age of 24 years, at the moment of nuclear accident he was exposed to beta-gamma radiation with dose above 9.0 Gy and the acute radiation sickness IV degree developed accompanied with severe skin radiation burns.
Psychological examinations were performed with use of MMPI test using. As well as Kettella, Ravena tests, and sensomotor reactions were studied repeatedly in 1999, 2000 and 2002. Clinical supervision of the patient was spent within 24 years (1986-2010).
Results: Some average profile of multilateral examination of the patient (MMPI) and dynamics of indicators for years of supervision exceed borders of population statistical norm (<70 > 30) on a scale of Tpoints and testify to an overstrain of mental adaptation.
Dynamics of an emotional pressure and intensity of its mental adaptation (the test of Kettella) correspond to relative density of infringements of mental adaptation characteristic for the period of adaptable exhaustion. The tendency to occurrence of personal lines at Т.А.М is revealed the form of apathetic depression (1999), with transition in disturbing depression (2000), somatic alarms and to display of lines of the classical disturbing-depressive person (2002) with a low energy potential. Psychology - physiological inspections revealed rather high indicators of intelligence (factor B-7 of walls) and well figurativelogic thinking (the test of Ravena).
Conclusions: Specific Т.А.М’s features of psychophysiological adaptation. and expressed personal lines defined his behavior and death of alcoholic intoxication.
Key words: acute radiation sickness, ionizing radiation, Chernobyl accident, local radiation injuries, adaptation