Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2018. Vol. 63. No. 6. P. 83–84


DOI: 10.12737/article_5c0bdefea14005.22956834

V.Yu. Soloviev, V.I. Krasnyuk

On Possible Mistakes in the Estimation of Radiation Risk Non-Cancer Effects in Mayak Plant Workers

A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

V.Yu. Soloviev – Dr. Sci. Biol., PhD Tech., Head of Lab.;
V.I. Krasnyuk – Dr. Sci. Med., Prof., Head of Dep.


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For citation: Soloviev VYu, Krasnyuk VI. On Possible Mistakes in the Estimation of Radiation Risk Non-Cancer Effects in Mayak Plant Workers. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2018;63(6):83-84. Russian.

DOI: 10.12737/article_5c0bdefea14005.22956834

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