Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2022. Vol. 67. № 4

Risk Factors for Arterial Hypertension (Literature Review)

K.V. Briks

Southern Urals Biophysics Institute, Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia

Contact person: K.V. Briks, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The review provides up-to-date data on effects of non-modifiable (sex, age) and modifiable (smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, vitamin D deficiency, marital status, physical activity, depression) non-radiation risk factors on incidence risks of arterial hypertension. The review also refers to scientific evidence of the impact of ionizing radiation on arterial hypertension.

Keywords: arterial hypertension, ionizing radiation, risk factors, relative risk, odds ratio, excess relative risk

For citation: Briks KV. Risk Factors for Arterial Hypertension (Literature Review). Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2022;67(4):24-35. DOI: 10.33266/1024-6177-2022-67-4-24-35


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Conflict of interest. The author declare no conflict of interest.

Financing. The study had no sponsorship.

Contribution. Article was prepared with equal participation of the authors

Article received: 15.03.2022.  Accepted for publication: 23.04.2022