Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2023. Vol. 68. № 2
DOI: 10.33266/1024-6177-2023-68-2-92-94
B.E. Serebryakov
Recommendations for Amendments to the NRB-99/2009 and to the OSPORB-99/2010
A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia
Contact person: B.E. Serebryakov, e-mail:
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Purpose: In Russia, the main regulatory documents on radiation safety are being adjusted: Radiation Safety Standards (NRB-99/2009) and Basic Sanitary Rules (OSPORB-99/2010). The purpose of the work is to remove and correct certain incorrect provisions of these documents.
Results: The disadvantages of NRB-99/2009 related to the values of the minimum significant activity and the minimum significant specific activity of radionuclides were identified and justified.
In OSPORB-99/2010, the inadmissibility of introducing minimally licensed activity of radionuclides in closed sources of ionizing radiation into Sanitary Rules was identified and justified. An unacceptably large amount of this activity can lead to overexposure of personnel and the public in incidents with these sources.
Conclusions: The following recommendations were made for the adjustment of NRB-99/2009 and OSPORB-99-2010:
– in NRB-99/2009, it is recommended to completely remove the minimally significant specific activities, and use the minimally significant activities in accordance with NRB-76/87.
– in OSPORB-99/2010, it is recommended to remove all provisions related to the minimum licensed activity of radionuclides in closed sources of ionizing radiation.
Key words: radiation safety, regulatory documents, minimally significant activity, minimally significant specific activity, closed sources of ionizing radiation
For citation: Serebryakov BE. Recommendations for Amendments to the NRB-99/2009 and to the OSPORB-99/2010. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2023;68(2):92–94. (In Russian). DOI: 10.33266/1024-6177-2023-68-2-92-94
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6. Radiation Safety Standards NRB-76/87 and Basic Sanitary Rules for Working with Radioactive Substances and Other Sources of iONIZING Radiation OSP-72/86. Moscow Publ., 1988 (In Russ.).
7. 10 CFR Part 20 – Standards for Protection Against Radiation.
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10. 10 CFR Part 835 - Occupational Radiation Protection.
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Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Financing. The study had no sponsorship.
Contribution. Article was prepared with equal participation of the authors.
Article received: 20.11.2022. Accepted for publication: 25.01.2023.