Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2019. Vol. 64. No. 5. P. 54–57

DOI: 10.12737/1024-6177-2019-64-5-54-57

S.A. Smolin1,2

Radiation Exposure of Medical Personnel Accompanying the Patient during the Procedure of Superficial X-Ray Therapy of Children

1. Irkutsk Regional Cancer Hospital, Irkutsk, Russia. Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;
2. Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia

S.A. Smolin – Medical Physicist, Postgraduate Student


Purpose: Assessment the radiation situation in the treatment room of superficial x-ray therapy during the irradiation process in order to inform about radiation exposure of medical personnel or a relatives.

Material and methods: In the course of the study, a procedure of superficial radiotherapy was simulated using a tissue equivalent phantom with sizes 250×250×150 mm. The radiation control protocol of measurements on the Roentgen TA-02 apparatus was compiled on the basis of SanPiN With the help of a clinical dosimeter DKS-AT1123, the ambient dose-rate of short-term x-rays was measured. In accordance with the requirements for conducting radiation monitoring, measurements were taken directly near the apparatus in areas 60×60 cm at points located at heights corresponding to the head level (160 ± 20 cm), chest level (120 ± 20 cm), gonad level (80 ± 20 cm) and the level of the legs (30 ± 20 cm). On the basis of the obtained data, the value of the effective dose-rate of x-ray radiation for the whole human body was calculated for each area. Taking into account the characteristics of the irradiation regime used in the clinic, the total effective dose received by the medical personnel accompanying the patient for the entire course of radiotherapy was calculated.

Results: A drawn up diagram is illustrating the radiation situation in the treatment room of superficial radiotherapy. Based on the results of calculations, it can be concluded that the radiation exposure on the accompanying person during superficial x-ray therapy of children’s hemangiomas does not exceed the maximum permissible dose specified in paragraph 5.4.4 of SanPiN

Conclusion: In exceptional cases, a parent or medical personnel may be in the treatment room to support the patient.

Key words: superficial x-ray radiotherapy, radiation control, children, hemangiomas, radiation safety


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For citation: Smolin SA. Radiation Exposure of Medical Personnel Accompanying the Patient during the Procedure of Superficial X-Ray Therapy of Children. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2019;64(5):54-7. (in Russian).

DOI: 10.12737/1024-6177-2019-64-5-54-57

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