Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016. Vol. 61. No. 1. P. 29-33
N.A. Metlyaeva, O.V. Scherbatich
Features of Social Adaptation of Participants of the Accident on the Nuclear Submarines K-19 and K-27 According to Psychophysiological Inspection
A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose: To evaluate the personal and current mental status of three participants of the accident on the nuclear submarine K19 (F.U.P) and K27 (R.A.S. and F.A.M.) according to psychophysiological examination.
Material and methods: The results are shown of the psychophysiological examination of three participants of the accident on the nuclear submarine K19 in 1961 (04.07.61) and K27 in 1968 (24.05.68), where the operator of a reactor lieutenant F.U.P. at the age of 23 (year of birth: 1938) had the ARS of the first degree of severity (dose on EPR tooth enamel 1.14 ± 0.10 Gy), sergeant R.A.S. at the age of 23 (year of birth: 1945) had the ARS of the third degree of severity (dose on EPR tooth enamel 3.6-4.0 Gy), a dosimetrist F.A.M. at the age of 22 (year of birth: 1946) had the ARS of the second degree of severity (dose on EPR tooth enamel 1.12 ± 0.05 Gy) from the combined gamm-abeta radiation. Three patients underwent clinical and psychophysiological examination in 2002-2014 at the age of 57 and 56. All three patients were diagnosed with psychosomatic pathology hypertension of the second degree, while F.A.M. had a higher indices of hypertension (BP = 150/90, 140/100 and 200/100 mm Hg). R.A.S. had coronary heart disease, stenocardia, FC II-II and F.A.M. had FC II F.U.P. had diabetes mellitus type 2, insulin dependent form, decompensation, F.A.M. had chronic bronchitis, pneumosclerosis.
Results: The rise of the indicators of MMPI profile above 80 T-points on the scale of 1, 2, 6, 8 and F of both neurological and psychological triad, indicates the mental stress adaptation in three participants of the accident. Major general stress factor of psychophysiological adaptation was caused by protracting the acknowledgement of the victims to be the disable people due to the diseases, connected with the direct participation in the action of the special risk subunit (F.A.M. was recognized after 27 years, R.A.C. after 37 years, F.U.P. 38 years after radiation accident). A positive solution on the issue of indexation of the pension to F.A.M. in the court . resulted in a significant positive dynamics of psychological data in a gradual reduction of the indiceses, characterizing the severity of affective rigidity, fear and self-doubt, original thinking (scale: 6, 7, 8 respectively), the level of anxiety (scale: 2, 9, F, 0), with the maintenance of considerable severity of hypochondriac tendencies, the deterioration of which was due to the long judicial process (during 6 years). Labor activity of R.A.S. was the most favorable condition for the realization of his needs, and his adaptation was full, he could become a very useful member of society.
Conclusions: Patient P.A.S. had ARS of more severe degree (ARS III) than F.A.M. and F.U.P. Despite this fact, the setting and the motivation to work has allowed him to live an active lifestyle, to have a lesser degree of reduction of efficiency of the social adaptation and a less pronounced psychosomatic pathology.
Key words: submarines, radiation accidents, acute radiation disease, social adaptation, hypertensive disease, ischemic heart disease
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For citation: Metlyaeva NA, Scherbatich OV. Features of Social Adaptation of Participants of the Accident on the Nuclear Submarines K-19 and K-27 According to Psychophysiological Inspection. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016;61(1):29-33. Russian.