Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2015. Vol. 60. No. 4. P. 81-86


N.I. Lebedev1, M.V. Osipov2, E.V. Sinyak1, E.P. Fomin1

An Algorithm of the Abdominal Multislice CT Study in Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

1. Central Medical-Sanitary Unit 71 FMBA RF, Ozersk, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; 2. Southern Urals Biophysics Institute FMBA RF


Purpose: To create the algorithm of MSCT-study of abdominal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, that allows to reduce the radiation exposure to the patient and optimize the process of study.

Material and methods: During the period since the Bright Speed Elite multislice computed tomography scanner commissioned in the radiological department of CMSU-71 more than 5,000 studies has been conducted with or without i.v. bolus contrast enhancement. About 10 % of these studies are the abdominal MSCT, and more than a third of them held in patients with already diagnosed abdominal cancer.

Results: Exclusion of the late arterial phase in case of hypovascular metastases or the early venous phase in case of hypervascular metastases in the control study of patients undergoing chemotherapy allows up to 2/3rd reduction in medical radiation dose to the patient without loss of diagnostic information. It resulted in creation of an algorithm of control study of cancer patients. The algorithm was successfully applied in our everyday radiological practice. The article provides the potential readers with the proposed algorithm based on our experience in clinical radiology and summarize the data of other research studies.

Conclusion: The use of proposed algorithm in MSCT-study of the abdominal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy allows reducing the medical radiation dose to the patient and the time of MSCT-study without lost the quality of the diagnostic information. Epidemiological registry of patients underwent MSCT-study allows to evaluate possible effects of medical exposure.

Key words: MSCT of the abdomen, chemotherapy, hypovascular metastases, hypervascular metastases, radiation dose


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For citation: Lebedev NI, Osipov MV, Sinyak EV. Fomin EP. An Algorithm of the Abdominal Multislice CT Study in Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2015;60(4):81-6. Russian.

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