Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2020. Vol. 65. No. 3. P. 66–72

E.G. Metlyaev, L.S. Bogdanova, M.I. Grachev, Yu.A. Salenko, G.P. Frolov, A.M. Lyaginskaya

International and National Approaches to the Conducting of Iodine Thyroid Blocking in the Accident of a Nuclear Reactor

A.I. Burnasyan Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose: Carry out a comparative analysis of the criteria and practices of conduct Iodine thyroid blocking (ITB) in various countries from the standpoint of WHO publication (2017) “Iodine thyroid blocking. Guidelines for use in planning for and responding to radiological and nuclear emergencies” (WHO Guidelines) and national Rules and requirements (NRB-99/2009) and other documents, including facility and territorial Emergency plans and instructions contained therein.

Results: The WHO Guidelines, prepared using the GRADE method, determine the conditional recommendation in favor of conduct ITB in the event of a release of radioactive iodine: “During a radiation or nuclear emergency, the provision of ITB for people who are at risk of exposure to radioactive iodine should be implemented as urgent protective action as part of a justified and optimized protection strategy”. In the WHO Guidelines, such a recommendation is recognized as qualitatively low, and the strength of this recommendation is conditional, due to insufficient data on the use of stable iodine drugs. However, after studying the implementation of this protective measure, it was determined that the benefits of the intervention outweigh the disadvantages and associated costs. The article contains a selective discussion and opinion of the authors on a number of key issues of organization and conduct ITB.

Conclusion: A comparative analysis revealed the similarities and differences between foreign and national practices of conduct ITB. The convergence of positions is necessary and aimed at harmonizing national and international criteria and practices. To date, there is no federal level document in the Russian regulatory framework that regulates the planning, organization and conduct of ITB in relation to people who are not associated with work at radiation hazardous facilities and do not live on territories served by the FMBA of Russia. Based on this, a range of priority important issues that need to be addressed has been identified.

Key words: radiation safety, emergency preparedness, emergency medical response, iodine thyroid blocking, radiation accident, dose criteria

For citation: Metlyaev EG, Bogdanova LS, Grachev MI, Salenko YuA, Frolov GP, Lyaginskaya AM. International and National Approaches to the Conducting of Iodine Thyroid Blocking in the Accident of a Nuclear Reactor. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2020;65(3):66-72. (In Russ.).


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Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Financing. The study had no sponsorship.

Contribution. Article was prepared with equal participation of the authors.

Article received: 08.08.2019.

Accepted for publication: 24.06.2020.