Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2021. Vol. 66. № 5. P. 78–84

Morbidity of Children's Population of Lermontov City, Located in the Uranium Legacy Area

Lyaginskaya A.M., Shandala N.K., Titov A.V., Metlyaev E.G., Kuptsov V.V., Karelina N.M.

A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia

Contact person: YEvgeny Georgievich Metlyaev: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose: To carry out assessment the health status of the child population of the Lermontov city. This child population living in the area, of uranium legacy, and they are critical group of the population in terms of sensitivity to adverse environmental factors.

Materials and methods: The object of the study was the morbidity of children 0–14 years old (primary, chronic, oncological). The research material was the data of reporting forms of medical statistics, presented in the following forms: 7 – information on malignant neoplasms and 12 - information on the number of diseases in children. The development included data from Clinical hospital # 101 of the FMBA of Russia for 2014–2018. Statistical data processing was carried out using standard methods used for the analysis of biomedical data.

Results: The morbidity of children 0–14 years old in Lermontov in 2014–2018 averaged 2310.9 ± 115.7 per 1000. In the structure of morbidity, the leading places were occupied by diseases of the respiratory system – 59.2 %, the digestive system – 8.8 %, skin and subcutaneous tissue 5.5 %, trauma and poisoning – 4, 8 % and infectious and parasitic diseases. The frequency of chronic morbidity does not exceed the population estimates – 73.0 ± 4.1 per 1000. The peculiarity of chronic morbidity is the relatively high incidence of skin diseases – 25.3 % and the musculoskeletal system – 20.4 %. The morbidity of children in the first year of life is 2348.0 ± 135.1 per 1000. A feature of the morbidity structure is the high incidence of respiratory diseases, which makes up 66.3 % of the total morbidity, with population estimates – 20–30 %.

Conclusion: The increased radiation background can be considered as one of the possible negative environmental factors affecting the health of the population.

Key words: morbidity, childhood, uranium legacy sites, critical population group, radon progeny 

For citation: Lyaginskaya AM, Shandala NK, Titov AV, Metlyaev EG, Kuptsov VV, Karelina NM. Morbidity of Children's Population of Lermontov City, located in the Uranium legacy Area. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2021;66(5):78-84.

DOI: 10.12737/1024-6177-2021-66-5-78-84


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Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Financing. The study had no sponsorship. 


Research concept and design – Lyaginskaya A.M., Shandala N.K .., Titov A.V .;

Collection and processing of material – Lyaginskaya A.M., Shandala N.K .., Titov A.V., Metlyaev E.G .;

Text writing – V.V. Kuptsov Karelina N. M .; 

Editing – Lyaginskaya A.M., Shandala N.K . Titov A.V.;

Approval of the final version of the article, responsibility for the integrity of all parts of the article – all co-authors

Article received: 16.03.2021. 

Accepted for publication: 21.04.2021.