Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016. Vol. 61. No. 6. P. 16-24


Yu.V. Semenova1,2, A.B. Karpov1,3, R.M. Takhauov1,3, D.E. Maximov1,3, M.Yu. Kirillova2, A.G. Zerenkov1, E.V. Efimova4

The Dinamics and Level of Acute Miocardial Infarction Morbidity in People Exposed To Occupational Irradiation

1. Seversk Biophysical Research Center, Seversk, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; 2. Seversk Clinical Hospital of the Siberian Federal Research and Clinical, Seversk, Russia; 3. Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk, Russia; 4. Cardiology Research Institute, Tomsk, Russia


Purpose: To study the levels and dynamics of the acute myocardial infarction (AMI) morbidity in people exposed to occupational irradiation taking into account the influence of the non-radiation risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases over the period 1998-2013.

Material and methods: The study is the prospective population research which was started in 1998 and has being developed. The research cohort of Siberian Group of Chemical Enterprises (SGCE) personnel includes the total number of the employees started employment from 01.01.1950 to 31.12.1995 (30,112 people: 20,995 men and 9,117 women). By the end of the current follow-up 20,751 people were alive and 9,361 people died. From the total number employees of the cohort 6,334 men and 2,056 women were monitored to external exposure. The AMI was diagnosed in 1,470 employees (1,091 men and 379 women). 630 SGCE employees - AMI patients (529 men and 101 women) had the data of external and/or internal dosimetry.

Results: It was established that the male and female SGCE personnel not exposed to occupational irradiation had higher level of AMI morbidity and higher growth rate of the AMI morbidity standardize coefficients over the period 1998-2013 compared to the SGCE employees exposed to irradiation (having contact to sources of ionizing radiation in a workplace), and higher growth rates of the standardized case rate coefficients an acute myocardial infarction. A slight decrease of the AMI morbidity among the SGCE male personnel in the study period (13.8 %), apparently due to the implementation of state programs of the cardiovascular diseases prevention of complications.

Key words: risk factors, low doses, acute myocardial infarction


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For citation: Semenova YuV, Karpov AB, Takhauov RM, Maximov DE, Kirillova MYu, Zerenkov AG, EfimovaI EV. The Dinamics and Level of Acute Miocardial Infarction Morbidity in People Exposed To Occupational Irradiation. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2016;61(6):16-24. Russian.

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